Manufacturing Yellow pages

By Plant Engineering Staff November 11, 2002

The Manufacturing Yellow Pages contains over 60,000 listings for products, suppliers and service companies, primarily in North America. It is the most comprehensive supplier directory in the manufacturing industry. We attempt to update each listing yearly, and publish all contact and product information as provided by the supplier.

The editorial focus of the Directory is on business-to-business industrial suppliers and original equipment manufacturers. We share much of the same information you will find in the Design News, Modern Materials Handling, and Industrial Distribution print directories.

Searching How you search the Directory can depend on what you know, and what you need to find.

– You can search for the suppliers of a given product by entering your search term into a ‘Products & Services ‘ search.

– If you need information about a specific supplier, enter part or all of the company name into a ‘ Suppliers ‘ search.

– A ‘ Trade Names ‘ search will return a list of suppliers who have registered a trademark encompassing the search term you use.

– Click here for more general tips on using a search engine.

Results The results returned after a product search will indicate what information is availble for that category. A ‘ S ‘ indicates that a company has provided product specifications pages relating to that specific product category. A ‘ W ‘ tells you that the company has a web link to its own site, while ‘ E ‘ denotes an available e-mail address for the supplier. Advertisers’ names are in bold.

Listings If you wish to update your directory listing, or want add a new listing, e-mail with your request and provide the full company name, a contact name, and a fax number we can use to send